Japan version

Company profile


    • MITSUEFU EAST LINE CO., Ltd. helps customers to buy goods, vehicles and various equipment from Japanese online shops and Yahoo! Auctions and to deliver them to the buyers' addresses.
    • We helps foreign customers to search and order goods made in Japan.
    • Delivery can be arranged to the different countries and also within Japan.
    • We helps dealers around the globe to create websites for selling Japanese goods and equipment to their customers.
    • Our shop supports both English & Japanese transactions.
    • We will process all transactions in Japan completely and ship your item to worldwide. Realtime translation of Japanese web pages to English available.
    • Fast. Convenient. Safe. Your items delivered right at your doorstep.
    • We organize the recruitment and training of staff, whose task will be an explanation of the features shopping in Japan to end customers, and assisting to clients with translation of the description of goods in their native language.
    • We search companies which are doing business in Japan for the purchasing of spare parts and products from the Japanese stores in different countries. Offers to them improving of schemes of work by improving the operation of them systems of purchase accounting and searching of Japanese goods, improving logistics within Japan, improving the organization of the delivery schemes in their country.
    • We look for companies in other countries that have a business related to the purchasing of goods and spare parts for its customers abroad, but don`t yet have experience on the Japanese market. Explain to the management of such companies the advantages of working with Japanese products, offer them my services in support of their purchases in Japan, sending goods to their customers directly from Japan to address of the end customer..
    • We are ready to meet and to dialogue.

  • Enquiries

    Tel: +8190-4597-9795

    Email: mitsuefu@eastlinejp.com